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Sweet Basil seed
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Sweet Basil seed

Sweet Basil Seeds

Sweet basil seeds, also known as “sabja” or “tukmaria,” are small black seeds harvested from the sweet basil plant (Ocimum basilicum). These seeds are known for their unique ability to absorb water, swelling to create a gelatinous coating when soaked, similar to chia seeds. This texture makes them a popular addition to beverages, desserts, and health foods.


Sweet Basil Seeds Sweet basil seeds, also known as "sabja" or "tukmaria," are small black seeds harvested from the sweet basil plant (Ocimum basilicum). These seeds are known for their unique ability to absorb water, swelling to create a gelatinous coating when soaked, similar to chia seeds. This texture makes them a popular addition to beverages, desserts, and health foods. Rich in dietary fiber, antioxidants, and essential nutrients, sweet basil seeds are often used in traditional medicine for their digestive and cooling properties. They are a common ingredient in smoothies, salads, and sweet dishes, adding a refreshing crunch and nutritional benefits. Sweet basil seeds can be easily incorporated into various recipes, providing a subtle hint of basil flavor while promoting hydration and supporting overall health. Their versatility and health benefits make sweet basil seeds a valuable addition to a balanced diet.


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